Call for New Works - ITG 2017 Conference
The International Trumpet Guild announces a call for submissions of new compositions for trumpet to be performed at the “New Works Recital” at the 2017 International Trumpet Guild Conference in Hershey, PA.
Submissions must have been composed within five years of the submission deadline date of August 15, 2016, and should be unpremiered or have received only limited exposure.
Score and separate trumpet part should be provided in PDF format, and a recording of a performance or electronic simulation should be provided in mp3 format. File names should clearly identify the work as follows:
Works should be submitted electronically via Email to [email protected]. Large files should be submitted using a filesharing service such as DropBox ( sharing with the same address.
Compositions may be submitted by a composer individually or by a trumpeter in partnership with a composer. If submitted by a composer alone, a chosen work will be performed at the conference by a trumpeter nominated by ITG New Works Committee. Inclusion of a work on the New Works Recital does not imply any financial obligation of the ITG beyond providing collaborative artists to perform. Composers and/or trumpeters will be responsible for all costs including conference registration. Works will be reviewed by the New Works Committee, and notification of inclusion on the recital will be made by October 1, 2016.
This call does not specify instrumentation to allow for a wide range of possibilities, but please note that compositions of unusual duration or instrumentation may face extra-musical hurdles when under consideration by this committee. Materials will not be returned.
Please do not contact via social media but contact via email at [email protected]
- Eric M. Berlin - ITG Board of Directors