ITG Cancels 2020 Conference
It is with great disappointment that we announce the cancellation of the 2020 International Trumpet Guild (ITG) Conference in Columbus, Ohio, May 26-30.The safety of our attendees is our top priority, and despite our hope that the current health crisis would subside in time to meet with all of you, it has become clear that that will not be possible. National and local bans on large gatherings and the inability of our international colleagues to travel only reinforce the appropriateness of this decision.
The scheduled 2021 ITG Conference at the Hyatt Regency in Anaheim, California, will now be the opportunity to celebrate our 45th annual gathering! This year’s performers, presenters, and exhibitors will be contacted by our Conference Director, JC Dobrzelewski, with details about how we plan to work together with the 2020 and 2021 Conference Artists Committee chairs to plan an even more inspiring program for attendees in California. Students who were named finalists in this year’s competitions, as well as those awarded scholarships, will be contacted by the chairperson who oversees those respective areas.
We thank all of you who have already registered for the Columbus Conference! This is a difficult time for everyone, and a full refund is available upon request. You may also choose to apply your registration fee to the 2021 Anaheim Conference at the same rate or convert it to a donation. ITG is a non-profit, membership-based organization, and we rely on Conference income to offer many benefits to our members throughout the year. Any contribution will help ensure the impact we make for our community of trumpeters. Everyone who has registered for the Conference will receive an e-mail very soon with further details about their options.
We appreciate our members and look forward to the time we can be together again to reconnect, learn, share, and celebrate everything we love about the trumpet.
We will be waiting for you in Anaheim. Save the date now—June 1-5, 2021!
Grant Peters
President, International Trumpet Guild.