2020 Ellsworth Smith International Trumpet Competition Registration is open!
MARCH 26, 2020
The 2020 Ellsworth Smith International Trumpet Solo Competition is making the following adjustments due to the unexpected Covid-19 pandemic that is currently impacting our global community:
The May 1 round-one application deadline has been extended to June 1, 2020.
Any piano accompaniment requirements for round 1 are waived. Competitors have the option of submitting a recording with piano accompaniment, using a play-along piano accompaniment, or no accompaniment at all. There will be no penalty in any case.
We wish all competitors the best of luck in your preparations and that you and your families are safe and healthy during these uncertain times.
Register here: https://competitions.trumpetguild.org/competitions/2016_Ellsworth_Smith_International_Trumpet_Solo_Co
Jason Bergman, host
2020 Ellsworth Smith International Trumpet Solo Competition